Dr. Lica Ecaterina

PRP Therapy

PRP Therapy

Plasmolifting PRP is an unique Regenerative Medicine technology which consists of using autologus Platelet Rich Plasma.


Safe Product. Fast Result. Happy Patient that Always Come Back.

Think of a Method that accelerates body tissues repair, healing and rejuvenation. Imagine, I can create your own filler, liquid threads, mesotherapy cocktail and even cream from your plasma!

Plasma is rich in platelets which contain their own growth factors that activate the metabolic processes in the body, accelerate cell renewal, stimulate fast regeneration, and significantly increase the general and local immunity. Initially blood is taken from the patient’s vein. Then, it is centrifugated in order to separate PRP from platelet-poor plasma and red blood cells. Finally PRP is injected into area of injury.

Aesthetic medicine

Autologous plasma injections are the key to young, healthy and beautiful skin.


When plasma is introduced into the skin, it normalizes tissue respiration, regulates water balance, and stimulates natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen, elastin and intercellular substances.

This procedure stimulates skin regeneration and rejuvenation It has an anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect. It starts the process of natural rejuvenation and improves skin quality.

D-PRP Gel - 100 % Natural Filler

The autologous blood plasma is undergoing heat treatment and turns into a gel. This gel activates the connective tissue cells forming a support structure and stimulates tissue regeneration processes.
Procedure used to:

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) in dermatology

If you are looking for Full PRP Therapy Treatment We will be happy to assist you!

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