Dr. Lica Ecaterina


Ozone Therapy

Why to choose IV Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy involves the administration of ozone gas into the body to improve cellular oxygenation and promote potential health benefits. It consists of introducing ozone, a colorless, clear gas composed of three oxygen molecules (O3), instead of the usual two (O2).

Ozone therapy works by introducing ozone gas into the body to enhance cellular oxygenation and trigger various beneficial effects. Our cutting-edge ozone device that extracts the patient’s blood and passes it through an oxidation chamber. Inside the chamber, the blood is combined with an equal volume of ozone at a high concentration before being returned to the body. For powerful and effective ozone therapy, we offer 10-pass treatments, considered to be the optimum number.

Ozone therapy offers a wide range of health benefits, including boosting the immune system, alleviating pain and inflammation for improved joint mobility, and treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. It also addresses circulation issues, combats skin conditions such as herpes, eczema, and acne while promoting wound healing, aids weight loss, and eliminates toxins.

Additionally, ozone therapy exhibits antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, helps relieve breathing difficulties associated with respiratory disorders, and may lower the risk of repeated heart attacks. Moreover, it aids in healing chronic wounds often linked to diabetes and has the potential to revert brain tissue damage.

With oxygen being vital for every cell’s function in our bodies, ozone serves as an active and reactive form of oxygen that can restore optimum oxygen levels in the body, impacting essential physiological processes and overall health.

With oxygen being vital for every cell’s function in our bodies, ozone serves as an active and reactive form of oxygen that can restore optimum oxygen levels in the body, impacting essential physiological processes and overall health.

If you are looking for Ozone Therapy Treatment We will be happy to assist you!

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